IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW IS IN CRISIS, LET US KNOW. Administering General Assistance is a key part of your Township’s duties mandated by law. Beyond that, there are many other programs for specific situations. Our assistance is meant to provide temporary relief or until an individual can become self-supporting or qualify for other forms of relief. When there is a need, perhaps because of a recent crisis or job loss, we urge residents to reach out to us, and to come in, or call us at 847-945-0614.
DON’T LET THE IDEA OF GETTING HELP OVERWHELM OR INTIMIDATE YOU. During a crisis or time of need, Township, county, state and federal resources may be options. Supervisor Alyson Feiger and her staff are dedicated to exploring all the options and coming up with creative solutions to fill specific needs.
BEYOND GENERAL ASSISTANCE While the General Assistance Program is intended to help residents who are actively seeking work (Please see the sidebar article: How General Assistance Works), there are many “people programs” that you may not know about and for which you may be eligible.
Some income while you are looking for a job, up to a maximum of 26 full weeks in a one-year period, depending on when the claim was established. Unemployment insurance, however, cannot and does not protect you against wage losses while you are absent from work due to illness or while you are idle by choice.
Also, State agencies are providing additional information through the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) web site and access to services for basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter.
Most households with low income can get SNAP benefits. The rules are complex, but the most important factors which determine the amount of, and eligibility for, SNAP benefits are income and expenses and the number of persons who live and eat together. Go to www.dhs.state.il.us for more information.
To Learn More About Any Of These Services, go to: www.ides.illinois.gov
Click here for a list of state and local agencies and non-profit organizations that promote affordable housing opportunities and options.
Provides credits towards electric and/or gas bills throughout the winter or summer months. Click here for eligibility guidelines and to learn how to apply for LIHEAP.
School supplies, back-to-school clothing and winter essentials may be available for qualified residents. Click here for the State of Illinois All Kids’ Health Insurance application or visit www.allkidscovered.com to apply online.
Going Places is a transportation service for Township residents who have mobility challenges that may prevent or restrict their ability to meet their health care needs. Learn more in the Transportation Program section.
Township Taxi Coupons are available for eligible seniors and disabled residents. Valued at $4.25, they can be used for transportation to Highland Park Hospital. When used with a Village of Deerfield coupon (which has a value of $5.00), a one-way trip costs very little.
to keep in touch with family or work, Lifeline is a federal program that provides a monthly subsidy toward the cost of a landline or cell phone. In addition to the federal program, Illinois has a Link Up program to help with the costs of landline phone installation.To enroll in the Lifeline program, call your local phone company and indicate that you would like to enroll in Lifeline. The two largest landline providers are AT&T (1-888-256-5378) and Frontier Communications (1-800-921-8101). For all other phone service providers, call your company’s customer service number.
For information and enrollment in the Link UP visit either http://www.linkupillinois.org/ or the Illinois Commerce Commission’s website